Sunday, November 18, 2012 | 4:00 p.m. at UNCW Kenan Auditorium
With special guests the Girls’ Choir of Wilmington directed by Sandy Errante.

The 85-strong Girls’ Choir of Wilmington then takes the stage, performing vocal trio music originally written and performed by the Wailin’ Jennys. Other highlights include a tribute to slain journalist Daniel Pearl and the gospel song “Jordan’s Angels."
Then the choir and orchestra together will perform the stirring “Credo” by Mark Hayes and finish with “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”
GENERAL ADMISSION FOR YOUTH CONCERTS: $5 ADULTS FREE for youth 17 and under Tickets available at the door on the day of the event.
Conductor Steven Errante has chosen Beethoven’s exciting Egmont Overture to begin the program, which also includes the serene and expressive second movement of Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony.